How Important Is Scent Control?
Is scent control important? Just like everything else in this world, some people beleive scent control is the most important aspect of hunting, and somebeleive it's a farce. We all know people who smoke cigarrettes while in their tree stand and are wearing clothes that their dog took a nap on the night before. They also tagged a giant last year and make sure to let you know how scent control is a waste of time. You actually start contemplating this becase you are new to hunting or have ahd a string of bad years. DON'T GIVE IN!!!!
On the other hand, most of us know hunters who kill great bucks every single year. These are the ones we should be following. When I first got into hunting, I had a great mentor. Right off the bat he had me changing into my hunting gear on the side of the road. That gear was in a tote that eliminated human scent from constant contact. My clothes went directly from the washer to a clothesline and then into the tote. Did I mention mentor killed giants every year? Not just whitetail deer either. Elk, moose, mountain goat, mule deer, and more. All of these killw with is BOW!!! Needless to say, I got lucky in hooking up with him.
There are many more aspects to killing trophy animals consistently. Scent control is right at the top. It is pretty simple really. Make sure your gear doesn't smell. There are so many new gadgets, sprays, and closets on the market to help you out.
For the beginner, get some scent control laundry detergent and a tote. Try to change as much as you can once you get to the field/woods. this will denfinitely test your mental toughness when it is ten Degrees outside and some wind to bring that feel temperature down to zero. Spray down your clothing, each and every piece, before putting it on. My philosophy is, if your going to do something, why not go all out so you have no excuses?
Scent control is important!!!! That is, if you want to increase your odds of tagging that wall hanger. Don't get frustrated if you still get busted. There is no way to eliminate 100% of your smell. But if you get busted by that giant and you didn't take the steps to eliminate scent, you will be kicking yourself.
Matt Hemry - DHS Team